Guru Please

25 Years of Prison: An Inspiring Transformation with Sheena Renea

Episode Summary

You would never guess that Sheena was sentenced to life in prison. This is a truly inspiring story of someone overcoming challenges including abuse, rape, and domestic violence to lead a joyful life of service. No matter who you are and what situation you’re in, you will find something to learn from in this episode.

Episode Notes

You would never guess that Sheena was sentenced to life in prison. This is a truly inspiring story of someone overcoming challenges including abuse, rape, and domestic violence to lead a joyful life of service. No matter who you are and what situation you’re in, you will find something to learn from in this episode. 

In 1992, Sheena was sentenced to death by incarceration when she was 17 years old for participating in the murder of her ex-husband. She spent 25 years in prison and came out at 42 years old. She did everything she could in prison to become a better person. She started a group called Prison Did Not Break Me to help women and men change their lives, and is also writing books about prison and her personal story.

Quotes to remember: 

“If you do not keep working on yourself, you stop growing.”

“Life can break you but you have to look at obstacles as catapults.”

“As long as I stayed the victim, I never became a survivor, a fighter, and who I was meant to be.”


What you’ll learn:

Mentioned on the podcast: 


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