Guru Please

Free From Shame: The Journey with Michelle Anhang

Episode Summary

We all carry shame and fear. We hide from it. We may even trick ourselves because of it. Let Michelle’s story inspire the courage within you to face yourself. Let her journey shine a light on how deserving of love you are.

Episode Notes

We all carry shame and fear. We hide from it. We may even trick ourselves because of it. Let Michelle’s story inspire the courage within you to face yourself. Let her journey shine a light on how deserving of love you are.

Michelle lost her husband to suicide 14 years ago. She hid the truth about his death for over 10 years out of shame and fear of stigma. Now she has turned her pain into purpose by speaking publicly about her journey through healing and coaching others who live with mental health challenges and loss.

Quotes to remember: 

“Carrying a lie that big has an impact on us.”

“I had to grieve all the things I didn’t give myself permission to grieve.”

“When we are shame-driven, we just keep doing things that we’re ashamed of.”

“Fear is a liar.”


What you’ll learn:

Mentioned on the podcast: 



