Guru Please

Loneliness v.s. Solitude

Episode Summary

The feeling of being lonely can basically be unbearable in certain moments. Here are some thoughts on what loneliness is a sign of, what you can learn from it, how solitude differs from loneliness, and what to do to feel less lonely.

Episode Notes

The feeling of being lonely can basically be unbearable in certain moments. Here are some thoughts on what loneliness is a sign of, what you can learn from it, how solitude differs from loneliness, and what to do to feel less lonely. 

Quotes to remember: 

“To the lonely person, being alone equates to being lonely.” 

“Oftentimes this loneliness that we feel echoes some wound or some trauma that we experienced a long time ago.” 


What you’ll learn:

Mentioned on the podcast: 

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Write out one thing that you love to do with other people. Do that thing on your own and see how the experience is. 

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