Guru Please

Business as Personal Development with Kendra Perry

Episode Summary

Want to start an online business? Have one already that you want to do better in? Wonder how a former health coach takes care of her own health, and her tips for personal development? Learn all this and more with Kendra Perry.

Episode Notes

Want to start an online business? Have one already that you want to do better in? Wonder how a former health coach takes care of her own health, and her tips for personal development? Learn all this and more with Kendra Perry. 

Kendra is a former Functional Health Coach turned online business strategist. She has helped over 200 health coaches grow their practices, attract clients, and blow up their bank accounts.

Quotes to remember: 

“Typically we don’t learn what our boundaries are until they’ve been broken.”

“Business is the most complex course in personal development you will do.”


What you’ll learn:

Mentioned on the podcast: 




