Guru Please

When Life is a Struggle with Kawan Glover

Episode Summary

If you’ve been asking yourself “Why me?” when there have been obstacles and challenges on your path, this is a must-listen. Find out how to move through the struggle and come through stronger, better, happier, and more aware of yourself. Get your mind right and all else will fall into place.

Episode Notes

If you’ve been asking yourself “Why me?” when there have been obstacles and challenges on your path, this is a must-listen. Find out how to move through the struggle and come through stronger, better, happier, and more aware of yourself. Get your mind right and all else will fall into place.

Kawan is a Victory Coach. He works with people struggling with adversity in their personal and professional lives by identifying their true potential and creating a plan to utilize that potential. Over the last six years, he has had a stroke, three brain surgeries, a suicide attempt, an opioid addiction, battles with depression, and been $1.2 million in medical debt. He is the author of Favor: How Stroke Struggle and Surgery Helped Me Find My Life’s Purpose.

Quotes to remember: 

“My superpower is vulnerability.”

“When you ask yourself bad questions, your mind has no choice but to produce bad answers.”

“When I get up in the morning and my feet touch the ground, everything I do after that is a bonus.”


What you’ll learn:

Mentioned on the podcast: 




