Guru Please

The Myth of Getting Over It

Episode Summary

Stop trying to get over it. Here’s what to do instead. In this episode we break down the myth of getting over it and explore what healing really looks like.

Episode Notes

Stop trying to get over it. Here’s what to do instead. In this episode we break down the myth of getting over it and explore what healing really looks like. 

Quotes to remember: 

“Feelings are temporary.” 

“Letting go and getting over something is a process of becoming okay with all the feelings that come up.” 

“Sadness isn’t wrong. Grief isn’t wrong. These feelings don’t need to be fixed.” 


What you’ll learn:

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Take a look at something you are getting over or trying to get over, big or small. Consider the possibility that how you feel about it is exactly where you should be right now. That you don’t need to feel only positively or neutrally about it, and that the “negative” feelings mean that the person or thing that you miss is important to you. Ask yourself: “Why do I feel the need to get over it? What does getting over this look like for me?” 

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