Guru Please

What Being a Nonfiction Writer is Like with Candy Arrington

Episode Summary

Curious about the writer’s life and how writers find inspiration? Ever wonder about how a writer chooses their topics, and how to write about subjects you don’t necessarily have experience in? Then listen on.

Episode Notes

Curious about the writer’s life and how writers find inspiration? Ever wonder about how a writer chooses their topics, and how to write about subjects you don’t necessarily have experience in? Then listen on. 

Candy is a writer, blogger, and wellness speaker. She writes on the topics of health, personal growth, and methods for moving through and beyond challenging life circumstances. Her latest book is Life on Pause: Learning to Wait Well.

Quotes to remember: 

“Sometimes waiting is for our protection.” 

“The people who are successful as writers are those who are teachable.” 

“When you find your voice, you’ll know it.” 


What you’ll learn:

Mentioned on the podcast: