Guru Please

Beyond Burnout with Barbie Moreno

Episode Summary

What do you do when you are outwardly successful yet dying inside? Listen to a story of reinvention and realization from someone who ignored her health for years on the path to success, and what she has learned about herself.

Episode Notes

What do you do when you are outwardly successful yet dying inside? Listen to a story of reinvention and realization from someone who ignored her health for years on the path to success, and what she has learned about herself.

After 20 years of working in the financial industry for one of the largest banks in the world, being in the top 1% of producers, Barbie was one of the few females to achieve this elite status. Yet her success didn't lead to happiness; instead, she was totally burnt out and her health was deteriorating. She has since discovered the tools that are essential to success in life and in business, and re-invented the way she views herself and her life.

Quotes to remember: 

“I don’t need them to give me kudos; I can find my own kudos.” 

“I’m not going to give energy to people who don’t truly value me.” 


What you’ll learn:

Mentioned on the podcast: 

