Guru Please

True Story of an Addict with Andrew Mann

Episode Summary

Beating addiction is more than just detoxing. Whether you are addicted, know someone who is, or want inspiration from a person who has been through hell and back--this episode is for you.

Episode Notes

Andrew is an author and recovering addict who also suffered from anxiety attacks since age 12 and depression his whole life. After years and multiple failed attempts, he was finally able to beat his addiction and has now devoted his life to helping people who suffer from addictions and issues related to childhood abuse. His book Such Unfortunates is his true story of overcoming addiction.

Quotes to remember: 

“Anyone out there can beat their addiction because I was as low as it could get.”

“A lot of people who look like they have everything together have some stuff going on behind the scenes.”


What you’ll learn:

Mentioned on the podcast: